“MySELFie” is a documentary about a 14-year-old girl suffering from total hair loss.
Maya, who is the protagonist, suffers from the disease Alopecia Areata. This means that body repels its own hair. It is hereditary from her father. But neither the illness nor the ideals of beauty can bring Maya down.
The film “mySELFie” shows Maya in her everyday life, how she argues with her parents or how she meets friends at the lake. Maya’s optimism and her zest for life are standing out throughout the 52 minutes. In the film, she comes across as a strong and confident girl. At the same time, the viewer learns how she has learned to deal with the hair loss.
The camera accompanies Maya in her private life: it’s there when she’s climbing dunes and bridges with her friends, it watches the small conflicts and beautiful moments in the family, and it witnesses taking on the responsibilities of the everyday life.
But not only the documentary view of the camera plays a role, but also her own perspective. Her pictures and videos from the mobile phone brighten the film.
In some scenes, director Anne Scheschonk deliberately uses several mirrors. In that way, she emphasises the views of people from the outside on Maya.
In the film, the girl concludes that the hair loss has helped her to be more self-confident. During the shooting, the wig was often in the corner and played no significant role, reveals filmmaker Anne Scheschonk after the show.
In my view, the film encourages one to like and accept one’s own body as it is. That’s why I think that the documentary by Anne Scheschonk is especially worth seeing for women or teenage girls who are not satisfied with their bodies.
Since I am the same age Maya was when the movie was filmed, I find it remarkable how she copes with the illness and does not allow herself to be pulled down by it. I admire Maya for that. If I were in her situation, I would hide under the wig.
We were at the school screening on Wednesday morning and interviewed the students before and after the film.
We were also interested in how the students are dealing with documentary films,
we did a “raise your hand” survey before the film;
Approximately one third of the students watches documentaries in their free time.